Fabiola Mercedes Jeanti Brito

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Fabiola Mercedes Jeanti Brito

USD $20.00/mo
Fabiola Mercedes Jeanti Brito
Fabiola Mercedes Jeanti Brito
Fabiola Mercedes Jeanti Brito

Home / Sponsorship

Fabiola Mercedes Jeanti Brito

USD $20.00/mo
More About Me
My History

I’m 6 years old and I have a blood disease called Sickle Cell Anemia (Falcemia), and only on the proper medication can i have a more stable life.

My parents try their best to supply them, but there’s many times where it’s not posible for them. I need help in getting my medicines, which consist of folic acid, and a mixture of specialized vitamins that rejuvenate my body. Without them, my fatigue and pain will only increase.

I have hope you will help me. Thank you so much.

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You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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